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Choosing A Good Harness For Your Dog

Properly Calibrating Your Torque Wrench

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How To Calibrate Your Torque Wrench

A torque wrench is a tool used to tighten bolts and nuts. It provides the user with a way to measure how much pressure they are applying in order to get the bolt or nut tight enough. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to calibrate their torque wrenches correctly. If you want your instrument to be calibrated professionally, make sure to contact San Diego Calibration Lab!

The first step is understanding that a calibrated torque wrench does not apply any pressure beyond what is required for a tight fit. The next thing you’ll need in order to calibrate it is an accurate and reliable means of measurement. This can be something like another lengthwise tape measure or vernier caliper if you have both of those available. You’ll also need the specifications on weights as well as lengths so that the calibration process runs smoothly and accurately. With these items all together, follow these steps:

Make sure your work area has plenty of room without anything obstructing it. Begin with the caliper and measure the length of your torque wrench.

San Diego Calibration

Mark a spot on it with either a magic marker or some other type of permanent marking, such as blue paint or nail polish. The appropriate measurement for this should be written down beforehand so that you know how many rotations are required in order to make up one inch. Now take out the weight scale and set it at zero grams without putting anything on there yet. Then wrap the tape around the work area’s pole to come up with an accurate measuring length like before. Use these measurements together along with what was noted earlier about weights per inches, then divide those numbers by two while including any fractions if applicable.

Once you have the measurements, it’s time to set the torque wrench back up on its base and start calibrating it. Put a weight of around 12 ounces or so onto the scale, then turn your torque wrench until there is no more pressure applied by moving forward in order for it to stop from turning any further. This will be measured as “full-scale” rotations. Now write down that number and take off what was placed on top of the scale before proceeding with calibration again starting at zero grams without anything else present on top of it yet just like before using only this new number for reference while not taking into account any previous numbers recorded before doing so thus far nor looking ahead either (i.e., don’t read ahead).

Take the weight off and get your torque wrench ready to keep working with it. Get a new piece of paper for recording measurements on now that you have a clean one at hand.

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